mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012

A surprize in ...Tampere!

This summer, while travelling to Tampere,  I found something shocking ...
So, Tampere is a city between two lakes which have a drop of  18 metres and this gives rise to rapid  Tammerkoski, exploited as a source of hydroeletric power.

This is a Tampere map-centre

My friend and I  arrived at Linja-auto-asema, and we walked trought Tammerkoski, passing on the bridges...making that, we visited all the centre city, and we touched both lakes.

But the story isn't ended yet, because we find a little surprise, that we did'n least, not in Finland!  The Ponte Milvio's "problem" is famous in Italy, and everywhere there's a bridge, someone, carried by Moccia's armosphere, put on it a padlock. 
Also in Pescara we started having the same freak, but the mayor privides to make them removed constantly....and it's a neverending game!

So...let's look at this pic made in Rome, on Milvio's bridge....

And now, let's look to what i've found in Tampere, last summer....

I ask pardon, but this is the only photo I saved....I can assure that there were padlocks really really nice, question is that:  is it really necessary ? 
I think I'll never understand this habit....anyway, a thing is sure: Moccia's  fashon is oming all around the world!

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