martedì 24 gennaio 2012

Women and cats

I've got a lot of cats... and they are really lovely! During the winter, i like to stay on the sofa with them. They're soft and tender!
Unluckily, I suffer of allergy, so that usually cats live in the garden...They have taken habit to stay all together, and they don't fight for territory, despite there are more than a male!  
When I was a child, I've never used to have cats. I used to have a dog.  Now, cats are my pets. I think that there is something special between women and cat's mind.  Cat is not a simple pet.  And it's not a child, or a son, or a man.   
Cat is attached, despite being indipendent.
It's  voluptuary, despite being tender.
It's a partner that caresses you with patience. 
Ok, I can admit that I adore cats.....but how couldn't I do?  I know what is the answer, but that's my little secret....;)

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