mercoledì 14 marzo 2012

The Violet, Magic Flame of Ametyst

Potent For Healing and Intense Spiritual Growth
Amethyst crystals are some of the most well-known of the quartz crystals, and they are widely sold in many retail outlets. If you are wondering why Amethyst is so popular, it is the metaphysical properties that make it a stone of choice.
It is a potent stone for spiritual healing and growth... and to aid you to beat addictions. To really understand why it is so loved, you need to look at the Amethyst facts in more detail.
This beautiful purple quartz crystal is one of the stones that embody the energy of the violet flame. This is a potent spiritual healing method using a powerful energy, overseen by the Ascended master, St Germaine.

Why Would You Use Amethyst Crystals
Why is it so admired... and why are people keen to use it? It is a beautiful stone to have in any part of the home ... as its energy is so helpful. Having a piece in the bedroom will promote restful sleep and peaceful dreaming.
Any person may benefit by having this stone close by... as it is also a highly protective crystal. Amethyst crystal is common and comes in a variety of forms... and has many good and valid reasons for it to be the stone of choice.
As I mentioned above it is a quartz crystal and all quartz crystals are strong amplifiers of energy. When it comes to their healing energy the properties of all quartz crystals are very impressive.
More than any other crystal it will quieten the mind ... allowing you to more easily make contact with spirit. It is very easy to obtain and natural crystals should be able to be bought very easily at crystal shops, gift shops, on the internet and at a wide variety of other retail outlets... as its popularity is high.
This lovely violet crystal is one of the stones of the violet flame... brought to renown by the Ascended master, St Germain. The violet flame energy has powerful healing attributes... and is embodied within both Amethyst Crystal, and other violet flame stones.

Healing With Amethyst, Powerful Violet Flame Healing
Looking at the deep purple color in the Amethyst picture above... you can see why this stone is so admired. These purple stones are the most well known crystals for carrying the violet flame healing vibration... yet the color is only an indication of the level of heat that the particular stone endured while in the ground.
Although most pieces of Amethyst are purple... all colors of Amethyst carry a strong healing vibration. They are excellent to keep on you as they have a strong psychic protection vibration and they are easy to buy.
Lovely Purple Amethyst jewelry is easy to buy... and wearing an Amethyst pendant keeps the energy close. So just remember to keep the energy close to you for best results.
Prasiolite (the Green Amethyst) has amazing healing aspects... as do the pink, lavender and of course the violet and purple stones.
Many of the darker yellow Citrine Crystals were made from Amethyst crystals through a process of heating them... and they too carry a strong healing vibration.
The Amethyst may also help with healing sadness and grief... and will assist you with inner child healing, as it will allow you to let go of built up melancholy and depression based in the past, as well as dissolving anger, fear and anxiety.
All colors of these stones have a useful energy that will cleanse negative energy from your auric field. You can see that it will be a great advantage in the overall growth of your spirituality and health.

Wearing Amethyst Crystals
Amethyst crystals are powerful stones to keep on your body... as the strong vibration has so many metaphysical properties that will aid you. It is also one of the more powerful stones for psychic protection... and this is an excellent reason for keeping it within your aura. What better way to do that than wearing lovely jewelry made from it!

How Will Amethyst Crystals Help You
The Amethyst is a crystal with a vibration that is highly useful to assist meditation... as it will calm the emotions. These powerful stones vibrate within the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, the soul star chakra and the etheric chakras right up to the fourteenth chakra.
For crystal meditation it is one of the premier stones to use... as it will aid your mind to relax. It supports you to strengthen and bring through increased spiritual gifts... and aids your psychic communication abilities. Learn easy meditation techniques so you can to slip more easily into the deep relaxed state needed for best results.
The amazing energy that is embodied within these purple stones will open the third eye. This aids the awakening of psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities that are related to the third eye chakra. This is one of the most popular crystals... and this stone has even been carved into Amethyst crystal skulls. This is another wonderful way of using its lovely energy.... as stones made into crystal skulls attract the presence of powerful spiritual energy.
Amethyst's ability to work on helping you to learn to be psychic is very powerful. It's action in developing intuition is a real asset... so use it in a psychic meditation and it will also aid you to enhance your psychic abilities.
For your meditation to be effective your brain waves need to slow, and their rhythm needs to change from the beta wave of your normal day to day activities, to the slower alpha wave. There are two specific areas of the brain.... the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex... that are said to be connected with developing any type of psychic abilities including developing intuition.
Using Isochronic Tones is effective to assist you to develop your intuition, because it encourages these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced. As you still your mind, and you go deeper into meditative state... you may find that these gifts develop more easily.

Amethyst Facts
Amethyst crystals emit a strong field of vibrational healing energy... so they are marvelous tools for self healing. This is one of the Amethyst facts that is immediately apparent when you stand in front of one of them, and experience the feeling that resonates from them... as the field of light that they emit is so strong.
If you have addictive habits such as smoking, drinking or drug addictions you may be assisted by using an Amethyst stone... and other violet flame crystals.
An easy way is help yourself if you have any of these problems... to put an Amethyst tumblestone or other piece of this lovely stone in your pocket.
You can combine them with any of the stones mentioned above to help you to beat addictions.
Ensure that those crystals that are on you every day, are regularly cleaned.

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