venerdì 3 febbraio 2012

Deep winter

So, shortest days are ended, and also coldest temperature... in theory!  But snow hadn'n come yet during this winter, and this year it decided to greet us from Siberia... so, all Italy has become ... all White!
This morning  I went out for a walk with a friend who lives quite near my house, and we did some photos along the way . It's not so cold, but it's still snowing, and my pets had different reactions.  My little, gray cat doesn't approve snow, whereas dogs adore this weather.  Other kitten were quite surprised, but they enjoyed all the day in the snow, before relaxing and sleeping all the afternoon on my sofa...
I'd like to be a cat, in another life!
But now, here's some photo of the day ;)

I've thought that once I'd been very ungry for a weather like this, because you cant go out, you can't see I've learned to go with the weather...and with nature's rythms.... I've grew up, and become wiser.... XD

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